Thoughts to Things

 What happens during a

Purpose & Power 2 day Intensive?

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Who is this for?

At some point in life, we all feel lost or ready for change. Sometimes the next step is clear, other times, not so much. You have a desire for more, but how do you get there? Purpose & Power is for anyone; moms, teens, students, professionals and Mature Adults who want to discover what’s next, what they are made of and what’s possible.

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What am I good At? What do I do next?

Teens and Mature adults can face the same question at opposite ends of life. What am I good at? Which career or job should I choose? What do I do now after a long career? Purpose & Power Intensive will help you find answers.

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What happens during a 2 day Purpose&Power intensive?

You will work independently and in large and small groups to give and receive feedback. I believe in having FUN, so expect to laugh a lot, think a lot, share and grow. The first day is intense as we look into past Good Experiences for answers. I ask you to dig deep and answer the question, “what do you want?” I balance the '“intensity” with small group activities, large group discussion and a TON of smiles. Day 2 is full of daydreaming, group collaboration and creating your ideal life! We begin in the trenches, daydream and rise up to the clouds, then practically plan for boots on the ground action!

Yeah, but How Much?

How much do you value security, confidence and full self expression?

Previous participants valued the 2 day Purpose & Power Intensive in the $300-$500 range.

A limited time offer of 50% off tuition makes Purpose&Power available for only $225!!!

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The raw data used to determine one’s strengths is found in their Good Experiences; activities the individual says they did well, enjoyed and are proud of. Many teens cannot create this list. The responsibility of school doesn’t allow time and room for middle and high schoolers to do something self directed and autonomous. Finding True North holds teens and young adults accountable through a 12 week cohort where we create Good Experiences in order to discover what they are good at. A 2 day Purpose & Power Intensive is built into the 12 week cohort. Finding True North helps teens and young adults “find themselves!”