While writing about himself and one of his friends, Frank O’Connor wrote, “…how, as a boy, he and his friends would make their way across the Irish countryside, and when they came to an orchard wall that seemed too high and too doubtful to try and too difficult to permit their voyage to continue, they took off their hats and tossed them over the wall — and then they had no choice but to follow them.”
what have you thrown your hat over the wall for? who do you have to “be” in order to make possible the impossible? You must be /rəˈlen(t)ləs/
The /rəˈlen(t)ləs/ Ones show or promise no abatement of severity, intensity, strength and pace.
It is a way of “BE”ing that propels the impossible to be possible. The /rəˈlen(t)ləs/ find a way, make a way, they ARE the way! The /rəˈlen(t)ləs/ surround each obstacle with what is necessary to overcome it. They ask the question, “How can I say YES?,” and they answer it!
If you have a burning desire that inspires you and demands expression, you are invited to join forces with others, share resources, network, crowd fund, be lifted as you lift others up and over the wall to retrieve our hats! In order to have what we desire, our way of BEing demands us to BE /rəˈlen(t)ləs/!
Complete the form below to apply for admission in the /rəˈlen(t)ləs/ Mastermind. Only the truly committed will be considered.