The Abundance Series


give the very thing you think you lack. everyone is abundant in something, even if its an abundance of pain. give from your place of abundance!


My name, Karema, in Arabic means generous, therefore it is my very nature to give! I can't get enough of it! I've learned the principle that Jesus taught when he said "give and it will be given back to you; pressed down, shaken together, running over and with good measure."  I am almost addicted to the rush that GIVING gives!

In this weekly video series, I do just that. I am giving from my place of plenty! You'll hear my mistakes, mess ups and make ups; my failures, frustrations and triumphs. No sugar coating; rough, rugged and raw!

Topics include:

  • Marriage - How we survived infidelity, insecurity and incompatibility

  • black/white church - the difficulty in navigating BOTH is REAL!

  • natural childbirth/large family - including 2 home births, nursing and raising a lotta youngins! Plus my personal weight struggle and image crisis as a result

  • Oh, the precious Preschoolers! - Potty training/Power struggles. Tomato staking and tantrums

  • cancer: caring for a sick spouse - care taker/sick adult/role reversals

  • being a young widow/singleness/dating in FULL VIEW OF CHILDREN - Whew, single after 20 years of marriage? Plenty of WHAT?!?!? PLENTY OF FOOLS!!!

  • business building - Rebranding, Daring to Dream, the Power of Imagination and Focusing on your Focus!

  • PLUS many more topics that cross my mind!

Register to schedule a private, small or large group session.

Compensation is relative to the engagement. 

k. akilah