Matte Kudasai


That’s the time it was supposed to happen. 

Today at noon. 

Everyday at noon. 

I am faithful to be there at noon. 

What happens at noon you ask? 

The 12 o’clock news. 

That’s what happens at noon.


It’s so engrained in our family culture. We set meals by this daily occurring, breakfast mainly. We take full advantage of our Unschooling lifestyle; sleeping, waking, eating according to our own beat. True to form, I was glancing at the clock, while grabbing eggs, sausage and coffee. 


I better run and get my laptop and log on to Baltimore became my second home when I left Philly for Morgan State University. Even though we sleep in York, Pa., we LIVE in Bmore!


Opening the laptop, happy that I’ll be on time to see the first few seconds of the news. That’s when you hear all the snippets of the upcoming next 30 minutes. I hate to miss that! It’s like the preview to the movie.


I positioned the screen so I can still see it while cracking eggs and frying sausage. 


It’s funny, perhaps silly how this anticipation brings me joy. Living 45 minutes away from my 2nd home often leaves me feeling isolated from my friends, culture and all things familiar. Somehow the news, brings me back to what I know.

But something is wrong. It’s not coming on. Maybe my internet went out. That happens often up here in the sticks. 

Nope, internet is fine. I check the clock on the stove again. 

12:01 still nothing.

“COMING SOON” is all my screen tells me. 


Now wait a minute! Maybe the station is having problems. 


I have surely missed the first 30 seconds of all the snippets of the nest 30 minutes.


Something says to check the clock on my laptop, you know the REAL TIME opposed to my stove’s clock.


SAY WHAT?!?! You mean all this time, I wasn't LATE, but EARLY???? All this time, I was worried I missed something? I thought something was wrong? I was moving and checking connections, when all I needed to do was be still?

At that moment, all of the questions my heart asked earlier this morning in Meditation were answered. 

“Why hasn’t it happened yet? Is something wrong? I’ve been trying to grow this business for almost 3 years. Let me check my connections. Maybe my idea wasn’t good enough? I know I’ve been waiting a long time. Did I miss my chance? I’ve invested A LOT OF MONEY AND TIME! Maybe I should scrap the whole idea of this business.” 

The difference between the real time of 11:54 and my alleged 12:00 noon reminded me of a cover song one of my favorite jazz singers, Kurt Elling sang, “Matte Kudasi.” In Japanese it means, “Please Wait.”

Please Wait. 

Matte Kudasi.

I was not late. Nothing was wrong. I was just a little early. 

My ideas are solid. They’ve been tried and tested. They were given to me by Infinite Intelligence, allowing my Genius to be on display; what Source “beget” to me. 

11:54-12:00 reminded me that sometimes ideas are ahead of their time. Every idea is born from either a current problem or a brewing one. The only reason I can have a solution is because somewhere a problem exists. Sitting in Meditation with Source allows me to see what is and what is to come. Sometimes, I have solutions to problems that are in their infancy and need to mature into the full blown problem/pain temper-tantrum that screams for a solution bottled in a viable, scalable system. 

“Matte Kudasi” is the response from Source. “You heard Me correctly and followed my plan. Now enjoy the elevator music, sing along, sip your tea and comfort yourself. I am working on bringing all cooperating components together to converge for one singular purpose; serving others in a way that exceeds your wildest imagination!” 

I’m patiently patting my foot to the good music because any second the waiting will be over. 


k. akilah