Matte Kudasai

“Why hasn’t it happened yet? Is something wrong? I’ve been trying to grow this business for almost 3 years. Let me check my connections. Maybe my idea wasn’t good enough? I know I’ve been waiting a long time. Did I miss my chance? I’ve invested A LOT OF MONEY AND TIME! Maybe I should scrap the whole idea of this business.” 

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k. akilah
The Incongruous and Contradictory Nature of Surrender

This incongruity. This contradiction. This tension is where I find myself. Incongruity is defined as not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something and a contradiction is a combination of statements, ideas, or features of a situation that are opposed to one another. "Not in harmony" and "opposed to one another" yup, that describes the struggle between my flesh and my faith; my Self and my Spirit; my wants and His wishes. As they say, the struggle is so real!

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k. akilah